Hosting a Fellow
Host Organization Expectations
- Provide challenging and meaningful work for the Fellow, full-time for a period of 9–12 months.
- Provide orientation and training specific to the organization and position.
- Provide ongoing supervision and feedback for the Fellow.
- Allow the Fellow to attend regular professional development seminars* and participate in mentorship, networking, and community-building activities.
- Provide a modest salary for the Fellow, typically at least $40,000**, plus basic benefits, including health insurance*** and paid time off.
- Contribute a placement and professional development fee of $1,500 to NUPIP, to support the recruitment, screening, and matching process, as well as ongoing professional development, mentorship, networking and community building activities, and support and advising throughout the fellowship year.****
- Maintain regular communication with NUPIP staff, and participate in the NUPIP community as interested and available.
*Seminars are typically two-hour sessions held 2–3 times per month from September through June at sites throughout Chicago. Fellows are expected to be able to attend as part of their work schedule and responsibilities.
**The exact salary is set by the host organization, and ranges from $40,000–$55,000+ for a 12-month term; the salary can be prorated for a 9, 10, or 11 month term.
***Host organizations unable to offer health insurance must offer an additional stipend for the Fellow to purchase individual health insurance if needed.
***Note that the placement and professional development fee is per Fellow, but is only paid if a Fellow is successfully placed at the organization. Organizations that arrange for Northwestern to select and/or hire the Fellow directly are subject to additional placement and position management fees.
Application & Matching Process
Interested organizations should submit the NUPIP Host Organization Proposal. The Priority Deadline (recommended for returning organizations) is typically January 15; the Regular Deadline (recommended for new organizations) is typically March 1. Proposal consideration continues throughout the winter and spring, until all fellows have been placed.
NUPIP typically conducts at least three rounds of the matching process during which organizations can review and select candidates: an early round (early February to mid-March), a regular round (mid-March to early May), a late round (early May to mid-June), and sometimes a final round (mid-June to early August, if there are candidates and positions remaining).
To participate in any given round, an organization should have their proposal in at least two weeks before the start of the round, expect to receive candidate application materials at the start of the round, and be expected to make a hiring decision and position offer by the end of the round. Each round lasts approximately 6–8 weeks; organizations must be able to review and interview candidates, select a candidate, and make a position offer within that timeframe. Organizations can self-select into the round that works best for them, or allow NUPIP staff to suggest the best timeframe for the position and candidate pool. For more guidance, see our FAQs or the Host Organization Proposal.
The typical timeline is as follows:
• Prospective fellows are recruited, screened, and selected
• Prospective host organizations complete proposals, self-selecting in to the appropriate round of matching
Early February – Mid-March
• First (early) round of matching: Host organizations receive candidate materials, review applications, conduct interviews with selected candidates, select final candidates, and make position offers
Mid-March – Early May
• Second (regular) round of matching: Host organizations receive candidate materials, review applications, conduct interviews with selected candidates, select final candidates, and make position offers
Early May–Mid-June
• Third (late) round of matching: Host organizations receive candidate materials, review applications, conduct interviews with selected candidates, select final candidates, and make position offers
Mid-June–Early August
• Fourth (final) round of matching (if needed): Host organizations receive candidate materials, review applications, conduct interviews with selected candidates, select final candidates, and make position offers
• Matched fellows and host organizations sign Fellowship Agreements and are oriented to the program
Late June – Early September
• Fellows begin work at host organizations. Fellowships must run 9–12 months.
• Program orientation and social activities begin
• Seminars and mentorship begin